No-Run Cardio Workout
It’s the same deal every year, City2Surf weekend comes around and you either run it and feel on top of the world, or decide not to run and have major FOMO. But this year, we have a third option for you!We created a 4-minute, no-run, high endorphin, cardio workout you can repeat as many times as your heart desires, from the comfort of your own home to get your workout hit on the morning of the world’s biggest fun run.The best bit? You did the work, so you’ve still totally earned your entry ticket to the Bondi after-parties! And because you did your workout at home, you can shower before you hit them up… or not, so you look the part!Just hit play on our video, as many times as you like! We each take you through a 45-seconds cardio HIIT, made up of 3x exercises for 15 seconds each.’s what to expect in each set:LIBBY
- Boxer Shuffles
- Punches
- Sprawl to Fighter Stance
- Burpee Switchers (3 partner changes OR 3 direction changes)
- Mountain Climbers
- Plank Jacks
- Barrier Jumps
- Squats
- Squat Jump Ankle Cross
- BIG Squat Jumps
P.S. To see what we’re getting up to on City2Surf day and find out where to find us, keep your eyes on our Instagram page @bufgirls - hope to see you there!