Does a daily fitness regime seem impossible?

Struggling to find a fitness plan you can stick with long enough to see results? You’re not the only one!Committing to daily workouts can be a bit intimidating, particularly if you’re not sure what exactly to do in the first place.The good news is, there are definitely ways to make movement fun and sustainable, so it becomes something you look forward to, rather than a chore you’re not so keen on.Here are 5 things that may help you get moving and stay in motion…

Create your fitness routine around your lifestyle, not the other way around

Rather than forcing yourself to commit to something you think you “should” do, try building your fitness regime around your lifestyle. Saying yes to something you know deep down is not sustainable is a fast path to, “I give up”. For example, if you’re young and single with a flexible job, hitting the gym for an hour every day on your way home from work may be possible. But if you’re working two jobs, studying and have a partner and a few kids, well, that hour is probably not sustainable for you. That's when buying a few dumbbells and knocking out a half-hour HIIT workout at home every second day, or parking a half hour’s walk from your work so you get some extra steps into your day, could be perfect.

Don’t go from zero to hero

Fitness isn’t something you either have or you don’t, it’s a skill you have to work on and build up, just like reading and writing. Start with the simple things, like a half-hour walk every day, or skipping rope for 10 minutes using a work-to-rest ratio of 40 seconds skipping, 20 seconds rest. Next, try an online program you can do from home and when you’ve nailed that, it might be time to book a few group fitness classes, or try out a strength session with your local PT to learn how to use the gym equipment. From there, move on up to alternating gym sessions or home HIIT workouts with walks, yoga and anything else you enjoy. Now you’re on a serious roll!

Find a community to connect with

Fitness shouldn’t be lonely – it’s an amazing way to connect! If you’re turning up for a set of squats that’s one thing, but when you can’t wait to get to your regular class and see your girlfriends, workout together and have some fun, or you’re meeting up with your run group to prepare for a cool obstacle race, it’s a totally different experience all together.

Stay curious and keep playing

Think of children and animals, the way they crave movement. They’re always wanting to run, play and jump, right? Movement is a natural state, it hydrates and refreshes your body, makes you stronger and keeps your mind sharper. It helps to look at your workouts or walks as a gift and a reward. Been working hard for a few hours? Reward yourself with a few laps around the block! Had a big week? Hit up your favourite class on Friday night or press play on a new playlist or podcast and head out for a walk.

Replace the word “should” with the word “want” and book your sessions in advance

How often do you plan to hit the gym in the morning, hit snooze telling yourself you’ll do your session at night instead, then finish your work day exhausted and skip out again in favour of a glass of wine and an early night? Sometimes you DO need to give your body a rest, but most of the time you’re skipping out on that session because you’re telling yourself you “should” do it, not that you “want” to do it. Next time you catch yourself thinking, “I should workout but…” try actively replacing the word “should” with “want” and repeat the phrase. Stating that you, “want to workout because…” is a powerful way to get yourself in the mood!


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