Watch our video chat with The Weight Psychologist

This is a pretty special video chat that might just transform the entire way you think about your body and your approach to getting healthy.We recently caught up with incredible human and weight management psychologist Glenn Mackintosh, who was the lead psych on The Biggest Loser: Transformed and runs an incredible website/blog and online program experience you should definitely check out if you struggle with poor body image and want to create a healthy, meaningful life you love.Look out for a fun video we shot with Glenn about how to overcome fear of the gym and create a consistent workout routine soon, but first we wanted to share this very special interview.In today’s video, we share a casual chat with Glenn about how finally accepting your body can help you get serious results that last.Here’s what you’ll hear in this discussion between Glenn and BUF founder Libby…

  1. Why practicing dieting resilience is more effective than ‘dieting’
  2. Simple tools to detach from negative thoughts
  3. Creating consistency via a sustainable approach
  4. Why acceptance can be more powerful than positivity
  5. How creating a fun, meaningful life can help you reach your weight loss goals this video was helpful for you, please share it with others you think would benefit, because every gal deserves to have these helpful mindset tools in her armoury… and make sure to subscribe to Glenn’s newsletter for more great videos!


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