Ramsey Street to fitspo!
Let's be honest ladies, we've all loved a bit of Neighbours TV drama at one time in our lives! Whether you were all about Charlene or went gaga over Billy, everyone has a favourite! Well it's time to meet one of the BUF Girls favourite kids from Ramsay street... Ariel Kaplan!Ariel Kaplan recently starred as Imogen on the famous Aussie soap and if you loved her then, you’ll love her even more now when you hear her talk about her fitness philosophy.I'm all about celebrating successful women who are doing great things in the fitness industry, so this week I met Ariel in Melbourne for a spin session with a bit of superstar flair at Bodhi and Ride.Check out what this gorgeous girl had to say!https://youtu.be/TJD5NPpZlzsNo spin studio near you? No worries, try this do-anywhere bodyweight workout I created to get the endorphins flowing and make you feel Beautiful, Unstoppable and Fearless.
Set #1
30s Squats30s Squat Jumps30s Drop Squats30s RestRepeat x 3
Set #2
30s Push Ups30s Plank Jacks30s High Knees30s RestRepeat x 3